Election of Delegates for 46th Biennial AFSCME International Convention

Date: Wednesday, March 27, 2024
To: Members of AFSCME Local 127
From: Andres Alva-Cardenas, Business Representative, AFSCME Local 127
Re: Election of Delegates for 46th Biennial AFSCME International Convention
Members of AFSCME Local 127,
The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you of the upcoming election of delegates to the 46th Biennial AFSCME International Convention. In addition, the purpose of this memorandum is to comply with the requirements of the AFSCME Local 127 Constitution, the AFSCME International Elections Manual, and the AFSCME International Constitution. Notice of this election of delegates will be mailed to you at your last known home address, will be emailed to you, and will be posted as an article on our website.
In total, six (6) delegates and one (1) guest will be nominated and elected. Nominations and voting will occur at the same meeting. To be nominated as a delegate, you must be eligible. The requirements for eligibility are as follows: (a) must be a member of AFSCME Local 127 in good standing, and (b) must have been a member of AFSCME Local 127 in good standing for 12-months prior to the beginning of the Convention. However, AFSCME Local 127 may nominate and elect a delegate who is not a member of AFSCME Local 127.
This nomination and election will occur at our next General Membership Meeting (GMM) on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 5pm. You can attend this GMM either virtually or in-person. To access and attend our GMM virtually, you may access the Zoom link under the “Calendar of Events” section of our website. To attend our GMM in-person, you may come to Union Hall, which is located at 3737 Camino Del Rio S., Suite 400, San Diego, CA 92108. If you attend our GMM in-person, then you can vote at Union Hall. And if you attend our GMM virtually, you can vote online via the poll when prompted to do so.
If you have questions regarding this election, please contact Union Hall at (619) 640-4939.
Thank you,
Andres Alva-Cardenas