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Applying to be a Steward

Steward appointments are done through our AFSCME Local 127 executive board and require a steward to be a member:

  • In good standing for at least the past one-year;
  • Currently not on their initial first-year probation;
  • Committed to attending our Annual All-Day AFSCME Steward Training Conference (Depending on your MOU the training is either employer paid work time or requires the steward to use personal time); and
  • Submitted our AFSCME Local 127 Steward Application and Steward Pledge.  

AFSCME Local 127 has at any time a limited number of steward positions for each bargaining unit and openings are not always available. As such, we have an open application process for steward openings within any one of our bargaining units.

When a steward position is open, then AFSCME Local 127 will review all interested candidate applications of the bargaining unit, and make a determination of an appointment based on meeting the above requirements, and the applicant’s engagement in our union, leadership in their workplace, and their understanding of their Memorandum of Understanding, Administrative Regulations, Policies and Procedures and when relevant to employer, their understanding of the employer’s Civil Service Commission.

Please click below to download, complete and return your application and pledge to the AFSMCE Local 127 office for consideration. If you have any questions, then please contact our business representative, or an AFSCME Local 127 officer.

Grievance Forms

AFSCME Steward Handbook

Handling Grievances

Training Videos

  Representing Co-Workers