Bargaining Survey

Members of AFSCME Local 127,
Our negotiations with the City of San Diego are approaching quickly. We expect to begin negotiations with the City of San Diego until January 2023. However, our non-economic proposals are due by the beginning of November 2022, and our economic proposals are due by the beginning of December 2022.
Prior to any of the deadlines mentioned above, we would like to elicit feedback from you all, our members. Thus, we have created a Bargaining Survey. Please complete the Bargaining Survey and return it to us, either in-person or via email, to determine our negotiation priorities. A copy of the Bargaining Survey is provided below. All Bargaining Surveys must be completed and submitted by October 31, 2022.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Union Hall, the Business Represenative, a Leader, or a Steward for more information.
Thank you,
Andres Alva-Cardenas
Business Representative of AFSCME Local 127