Update: FSLA Overtime Lawsuit
Brothers and Sisters,
As you may know, Local 127 has filed a lawsuit against the City of San Diego to get back underpaid overtime. Arellano v. City of San Diego has developed recently and we would like to fill you in on the details. On August 21, 2018, the judge granted our Motion to Consolidate our case with the Municipal Employees Association (MEA) lawsuit, Mitchell v. City of San Diego. In other words, we've again joined up with our sister union, MEA, in our legal efforts.
As a result of this consolidation, the City was compelled to send out notice to every potential class member about their right to join this lawsuit. You may have received this notice already. If you have not joined the lawsuit and would like to, simply fill out the two forms (Consent to Join form and "If You Wish To Join" form) and send them to Rothner, Segall & Greenstone. The law firm must receive these two forms prior to November 13, 2018.
If you have already joined the lawsuit, no further action is required and this does not change your involvement in the lawsuit. You've already joined! As always, please feel free to contact your Union Hall with any questions or concerns.
In Solidarity,
Rodney L. Fowler, Sr.
President, Chief Steward
Tony Schroth
Business Representative